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Lazy Oaf x Bella Thorne Garment Flats

As you may know I am currently studying at the Fashion Retail Academy in London. I am studying the Level 4 Fashion Retail course. This is the broader course which touches on every aspect of the fashion retail industry. In my first term I had two assignments that I had the chance to be creative and make Flat garments using Photoshop. For my Visual Merchandising assignment, we had to create a Visual Merchandising guide for a collection from a retailer that we was given. I was given Lazy Oaf, and decided to make a collection in collaboration with Bella Thorne. Here are the Flat designs I made for this collaboration;

(Click the images to see the name of the product, all flats gained from WGSN)
I really enjoyed creating this collection, I used fashion predicting tools like WGSN to predict what he trend of the SS18 collection would be and what materials would also be trending which is how I cam up with my holographic trend idea to link to the brand Lazy Oaf.
Here is a window display I also created for the potential Lazy Oaf x Bella Thorne store.

lazy oaf window new 1.png

(Images courtesy of Bella Thorne's Instagram)
The second assignment in which I designed some garments for was my marketing assignment. In this assignment I needed to create a press release, in which you can include some garments of the collection you are advertising. So, for this assignment we had to create an Alternative Christmas campaign for Lazy Oaf. I came up with the idea to use Christmas monsters.

Rather than using the normal Lazy Oaf colours I decided to go for dark reds and purples to connect with the idea that it is winter and Christmas, I used Christmas Monsters like Krampus, Mrs Krampus and Mari Lwyd (Christmas Zombie Horse). This collection was for an AW17 campaign. I really enjoyed this as it was really different compared to my Visual Merchandising assignment and I got to do an SS season and an AW season. Here is the final press release I created.
Press release - alternative christmas pdf


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